Excêntrico contido

sexta-feira, outubro 29

Nosso últmo show - Matriz

EU cantando Main Offender do The Hives (a letra por favor)


  • The Hives - Main Offender

    I'm on my way. Can't settle down.
    I'm stuck in ways of being an ass and I got a lot of nerve that
    I'm ready to pass.
    I'm on my way. I'm on my way.
    Can't settle down.
    I'm stuck in ways of sadistic joy and my talent only goes as far
    as to annoy.
    I'm on my way. This is my main offender.
    This is what I've got and it got me saying - Why me?
    I'm on my way. I get around.
    But I'm not all too sure about what I do.
    I feel I've got to stop a second just to think it thru.
    And so I stop! I'm on my way.
    Yeah I get around.
    Yeah I thought it all over and now I spit it out
    and when I spit on those that I care less about I'm on my way.
    This is my main offender.
    This is what I've got and it got me saying - Why me?

    Atenciosamente, Felipe

    By Anonymous Anônimo, at 1:55 PM  

  • Vc estah muito sexy nessa foto! Te amo! Bjs

    By Anonymous Anônimo, at 7:00 PM  

  • Penso em gravar um show do Pinball pois pretendo entrar na área de DVD por uma questão de sobrevivência profissional e interesse pessoal. Pintando chance, te falo, ok? Mnatenha-me informado de novos shows. Abração -

    By Blogger Wallace, at 7:52 PM  

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